Photo Albums

This IS the perfect place to share photographs you've taken during the recent Reunion 2017 festivities. Please upload your photographs from any of these events in the corresponding album!
   - Deer Park Reception (Friday)
   - Committee Brunch & Setup (Saturday)
   - Saturday Evening Banquet
   - Sunday Brunch

iphone/Mac users: Rotate photos before you post them.  Open photo file in Preview, rotate to vertical if needed, "export" with a new file name to your folder, then select the new file from NHS-carpediem page. 

Help ID people where requested and send corrections to webmaster.  Enjoy.

Look below for a photo album showing the very first KRAWEN from the Class of 1941!  Some of you might be surprised to find a picture of a close relative, Mom, or Dad, Uncle or Aunt. There were even a few teachers working for Newark High School back then whose careers were long enough that they also taught some of us when we were in school!!


REUNION 2017 - Deer Park Reception
REUNION 2017 - Committee Brunch & Setup
REUNION 2017 - Saturday Evening Banquet
REUNION 2017 - Sunday Brunch
REUNION 2012 - Classes of '66, '67 & '68 - VOL I
The BEEHIVE, the WREATH, and Miss BEE
REUNION 2007 - Classes of '66, '67 & '68 - VOL I
REUNION 2007 - Classes of '66, '67 & '68 - VOL II
REUNION 2007 - Classes of '66, '67 & '68 - VOL III
The First KRAWEN - 1941
Senior Photos - first page.
Senior Photos - second page.
Senior Photos - third page.
Senior Photos - fourth page
Senior Photos - fifth page.
Senior Photos - sixth page.
Senior Photos - seventh page.
Senior Photos - eighth page.
The Senior Class Play
Baby Pictures
Jesse Baldwin - Class of 1966
US Army 1967
My hippie days 1970
On the job 1992
My dog Jack and I going for our daily ride!
part of my car collection
Trying to stay in shape at age 51 rollerblading with my nephew.
What a majestic and sacred land we live in.....and what a  free and cherished way of life we have come to know.

God rules only in spite of people, wrote the philosopher Romano Guardini.  Yet, hopefully the next generation of political leaders, will be
With Doreen Groves, companion and long time friend of many years.  1977
A 21st century version of life on Walden Pond.  Thoreau, were he still alive, would be very happy in the Great Northwest! Uploaded by Jesse Baldwin.
God at my doorstep
Jan Hadley - Class of 1967
Phyllis Tucker-Saunders - Class of 1968